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7 Best WooCommerce Gallery Slider Plugins [Free & Paid]

Are you looking for the best WooCommerce gallery slider plugins? Do you want to go beyond the limitations of adding only one image per variation on WooCommerce product detail pages and add attention-grabbing vertical or horizontal gallery sliders?  

In this blog, I’ll share the best WooCommerce product gallery slider plugins. A good product gallery slider plugin helps you add unlimited product images and videos to the product gallery on product detail pages and turn the typical WooCommerce product gallery into a gorgeous gallery slider. As a result, your shop visitors experience a detailed product display, and your sales boom.    

So, let’s find the best product gallery carousel plugin for your particular requirements and preferences.

List of the 7 Best WooCommerce Product Gallery Slider Plugins

1. WooGallery Slider 

WooGallery Slider, the best WooCommerce gallery slider plugin

It enables you to add and slide unlimited WooCommerce product videos and images on: 

  • Shop pages 
  • Single product galleries on product detail pages 
  • Variable product galleries on product detail pages 

So, you can show different sets of images to visitors when they switch product variations like color, style, and size simultaneously. 

Moreover, it offers

  • Vertical and horizontal product thumbnail gallery slider
  • Full-featured WooCommerce lightbox
  • Advanced product zoom

Basically, it empowers you to turn a typical WooCommerce product gallery into a gorgeous single-row carousel slider. 

WooGallery Slider is the top-rated, most feature-rich, easy-to-use product gallery slider plugin for WooCommerce. It enables you to display your WooCommerce products in detail with additional product images and videos

Eventually, this detailed product display makes customers feel more confident in making purchases. So, thousands of WooCommerce businesses use this robust plugin to enhance their product presentations and boost sales.

Key features of WooGallery Slider 

  • Vertical and horizontal product gallery slider
  • Advanced product image and video gallery slider
  • Advanced additional variation image and video gallery slider
  • Slider autoplay settings
  • Slider animations
  • Thumbnail preview
  • Advanced product zoom 
  • Full-featured product image and video lightbox
  • Unlimited product images and videos to single products and variations 
  • A wide range of customizations to utilize your creative power. 
  • Compatible and responsive
  • User-friendly: No code, easy customization, done in minutes
  • One-to-one fast support

This plugin offers both free and paid versions. 

2. Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce

additional variation product gallery slider for Woocommerce

The Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce is one of the best WooCommerce gallery slider plugins. It allows you to insert multiple product images for each product variation. An additional product image gallery for every product variation you design with the help of this plugin shows a variable product in detail and impresses customers to purchase. 

Key Feature

  • Showcase multiple images per product variation
  • YouTube, Vimeo, Hosted Video Per Product Variation
  • YouTube, Vimeo, Hosted Video as Product Featured Video
  • Thumbnail slider
  • Set thumbnail item number & gaps
  • Custom arrows
  • Product image zoom
  • Product image shorting 
  • Preloader settings for product image gallery
  • Disable the gallery for the selected product type.
  • Supports modern WooCommerce theme
  • Exclusive technical support 

3. Product Gallery Slider 

Product Gallery Slider

Product Gallery Slider empowers you to add as many additional product images as you need to the product gallery. Moreover, it allows you to transform the WooCommerce default grid gallery into a stunning carousel. This attractive and interactive product carousel grabs customers’ attention and grows sales.  

Key features

  • Responsive slider layouts
  • Unlimited Images for each product variation
  • Infinite loop option
  • Slide Adaptive Height
  • Mouse Dragging option
  • Custom Image Size option for gallery
  • Vertical (left, right) and Horizontal Slider Layouts
  • LightBox For Thumbnails option
  • Support Video for Gallery (YouTube, Vimeo, and Self-Hosted video)
  • Full Lightbox Control
  • Advanced Zoom Options

4. Product Video Gallery for Woocommerce

Product Video Gallery for Woocommerce

One of the best WooCommerce product gallery slider plugins is the Product Video Gallery for Woocommerce. It allows you to embed videos in product galleries along with images on a single product page of WooCommerce. So, you can create beautiful combined presentations with product images and videos and turn the grid gallery into a stunning carousel. 

Key Features

  • Embed YouTube video to product gallery along with images 
  • Vertical or Horizontal Slider 
  • Responsive stunning product carousel
  • RTL support 
  • Vimeo And Html5 Video(MP4, WebM, and Ogg).
  • You Can Add Multiple Videos.
  • Change The Place Of The Video
  • Shortcode 
  • Compatible with any page builder and themes. 

5. Product Gallery Slider for WooCommerce – Twist

WooCommerce gallery slider plugin

The best WooCommerce gallery slider plugins list includes Product Gallery Slider for WooCommerce. It allows you to add fully customizable product image gallery sliders on the WooCommerce single product pages. Moreover, it provides you with powerful and user-friendly customizations. So, you can create stylish product gallery sliders that get more customers’ attention and increase sales. Moreover, it provides you with powerful and user-friendly customizations.  

Key features

  • Responsive Layout
  • Lightbox Customization
  • Youtube, Vimeo & self-host videos 
  • Vertical and Horizontal Sliders
  • On/Off LightBox Setting for Thumbnails images
  • Working with Most of the themes
  • Product Image Carousel
  • Fancybox fullscreen view
  • Fully responsive 
  • YouTube & Self Host videos 
  • Support Page Builders for Custom Single product page
  • Compatible with most of the themes and page builders. 

6. Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce

variable product gallery slider

Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce plugin allows you to display unlimited additional images for each variation of a product. Moreover, it offers you many easy-to-use customizations. So, with this plugin, you can create an eye-catching gallery slider of additional product variation images that gives multiple views of the product. As a result, your customers become impressed, and you get more orders.   

  • Unlimited additional images for each product variation
  • Drag & Drop sorting option
  • Advanced Zoom options
  • Lightbox for variation images.
  • Powerful and user-friendly
  • Huge customization
  • Fully responsive 
  • Compatible with other plugins, themes, and page builders
  • Thumbnail Slider.
  • Thumbnail position (Left/ Right/ Bottom)
  • Support Video at the gallery

7. TP WooCommerce Product Gallery

TP Woocommerce Product Gallery

The list of the best WooCommerce gallery slider plugins is incomplete without the TP WooCommerce product gallery. It enables you to create beautiful product gallery sliders to provide a better product visual experience for your shop visitors. Consequently, the shop visitors become happy and feel confident in making purchases. 

Free Plugin Features

  • Responsive Layout
  • LightBox Setting for Thumbnails images.
  • Image hover Zoom.
  • Customize the color and background of arrows/icons.
  • Smooth transition 
  • 100% mobile friendly
  • Display Variation Image Per Product Variation.
  • Gallery Layout [Vertical/Horizontal Slider]
  • Infinite Loop
  • Mouse Dragging option
  • RTL support.
  • Support Video for Gallery (YouTube/Vimeo).
  • Touch and Swipe support for thumbnails
  • Compatible with Most of the Premium themes.

Final Words 

All the WooCommerce gallery slider plugins we discussed above are the best. You can confidently use them to add unlimited additional product images and videos to additional product thumbnail gallery sliders and boost sales. 

However, the WooGallery Slider plugin stands out with its robust and easy-to-use features. 


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